President & Chief Executive Officer, Trinity Technology Partners, Inc.
Bruce E. Lansdowne - President & Chief Executive Officer, Trinity Technology Partners, Inc.
Mr. Bruce E. Lansdowne, Trinity’s President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), is responsible for Trinity’s overall business direction and company leadership. Mr. Lansdowne oversees every aspect of Trinity’s business, including its strategic direction, market positioning, and client relationships. Mr. Lansdowne is a consummate business and program management executive with more than 20 years of diversified leadership experience with both large and small businesses in enterprise operations focusing on Information Technology (IT) management, software development lifecycle, IT policy and governance, portal initiatives, knowledge management (KM) and collaboration, and knowledge-based operations (KBO) in both the public and private sectors.
Mr. Lansdowne has served as an executive advisor to Air Force leadership in areas of IT strategy, policies and compliance, IT architecture, collaborative products and solutions, and Total Cost Ownership (TCO). Additionally, he has held several executive level management positions in the commercial sector. Mr. Lansdowne serves on the Board of Directors for Donations From the Heart, Inc., a faith-based non-profit organization developed to serve both individuals and families by providing assistance and resources for those in need.
Mr. Lansdowne earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from George Mason University and a Master of Science degree in Computer Systems Management from the University of Maryland, University College.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & Senior Vice President
Darrell E. Wicker - Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & Senior Vice President
Mr. Darrell Wicker is Trinity’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is responsible for leading financial operations, planning and cash flow and A/R , A/P as well as pricing and indirect rate management. Mr. Wicker is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over 30 years of technology finance and accounting experience with both Government IT Contractors and Commercial entities as well as a unique blend of Fortune 500 entities. His experience started with one of the Big 4 accounting firms, Arthur Andersen & Co, with ever increasing responsibility to senior management (CFO).
Mr. Wicker comes to Trinity from BTS Software Solutions, LLC as Director of Finance. Previously, he was Deputy Chief Financial Officer for Worldwide Information Network Solutions, Inc. (WINS) prior to its acquisition by ManTech in July 2012. Mr. Wicker holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Metropolitan State University in Denver, CO.